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There are ten recognised general physical skills. They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, speed, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.

You are as fit as you are competent in each of these ten skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these ten skills.
Importantly, improvements in endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility come about through training.


The essence of this model is the view that fitness is about performing well at any and every task imaginable. This model suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at these tasks in relation to other individuals.

The implication here is that fitness requires an ability to perform well at all tasks, even unfamiliar tasks, tasks combined in infinitely varying combinations. In practice this encourages the athlete to disinvest in any set notions of sets, rest periods, reps, exercises, order of exercises, routines, periodization, etc.


There are three metabolic pathways that provide the energy for all human action.

Total fitness, the fitness that CrossFit promotes and develops, requires competency and training in each of these three pathways or engines.

Balancing the effects of these three pathways largely determines the how and why of the metabolic conditioning or “cardio” that we do at CrossFit.

Favoring one or two to the exclusion of the others and not recognising the impact of excessive training in the oxidative pathway are arguably the two most common faults in fitness training.


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Tips, news & views

Monday, January 29, 2007
Welcome to all Bridal Expo attendees
CrossFit Victoria spent the past weekend meeting with hundreds of brides-to-be, couples and their support crews at the first "Your Local Wedding Guide" Bridal Expo in Melbourne. The event was held at the Mebourne Convention Centre and was a resounding success.

We'd like to welcome all the attendees to our website.

If you still have your maroon flyer we will honour the special Expo Only Price for our Bridal Body Blitz, but be quick as spots are filling quickly.

If you entered our prize draw, we wish you the best of luck. The draw will occur on Sunday, February 11 at 10am. You are welcome to join us for a free workout before the draw at HA Smith Reserve in Hawthorn. Please register if you wish to attend.

..and here's what our stand looked like.

T-shirts, get your CrossFit Victoria T-shirts
They've finally arrived. And the wait was well worth it. We are currently stocking this design in grey. Demand has been great and we are already running low on a few sizes.

The t-shirts are on special for $25 (save $5) while stocks last.

Contact us to place an order.
What we learned on Sunday
We had a great turn out this Sunday. Thanks to Alex, Phil, Mathew, Andrew, Michael, Kirsty, Spiros and Aaron for joining in on what can only be described as torture. A big thanks to our new coach, Peter Trapp for his nasty workout and excellent instruction and motivation.

Peter christened this workout "KIM" and here it is:

For a distance of 400m lift, carry & drop a heavy "implement" (eg. a sandbag)
Drag a heavy sled forwards 100m then pull backwards for 100m

Kettlebell swing 16kg, 50 reps
Chin-ups, 10 reps

100m sprint
40m lunges

Kettlebell one arm floor press, 5 reps
Explosive pushups, 5 reps

Kettlebell one arm farmers walk walk 100m (both sides)
Sit ups, 30 reps

It did get slightly modified on the day, but as you can tell it's enough to test anyone.

So, we learned a few things:

  • Spiros hates Peter as well as Adam (but only during the workouts)
  • Rebecca doesn't do weights (but we swear she was lifting things)
  • Aaron has no quit in him (but his legs do have their limits)
  • Peter's equipment couldn't stand the wrath of the fired up mob

A big thanks to Peter for a great workout!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Is your breakfast up to standard?
It's no secret that your nutritional habits are paramount to ongoing health & fitness. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Unfortunately, most people start the day badly. Some just grab a coffee, others think that the obligatory bowl of cereal is doing them wonders. Both groups aren't dong a good job.

We strongly advocate both the Zone Diet and the Paleo Diet (no they are not fad diets). Aaron Wilson, a good friend of CrossFit Victoria and long-time CrossFitter recently sent us one of his favourite breakfast meals. It conforms to both the Zone and the Paleo dietary rules and tastes good too.

Aaron's Berry Smoothie


1 whole Banana
1-2 eggs
1/2 cup of milk (only non-paleo ingredient)
2 heaped tablespoons of Nut/Seed mix.
1-2 handfuls of mixed frozen berries
1/2 cup of water


1 scoop of Protein powder (to keep it in the zone if you're not using two eggs)
1/2 a cup of Natural raw oats
Flaxseed Oil (if you're not crushing flax seeds)


Blend, Drink & Enjoy

Takes about 3 mins to prepare and probably less than that to drink.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Why do you exercise?
Have you ever really thought about why you exercise?

Do you do it to keep fit? How about to lose weight? Do you exercise because you think you should? Is it a vanity thing? Perhaps you're an athlete and it's a requirement?

There's no right or wrong reason why you exercise, but thinking about your motivation will go a long way to helping you achieve your goals.

Think about it this way - how can you reach your goals if you don't know what is motivating you to put in the effort in the first place? You can take this approach to almost anything important in your life - your job, your hobbies, your relationships...

So, why do you exercise? (Take a moment to think it through.)

Once you determine the reason for all the effort that you are putting in, you can assess if your current training is adequate, applicable and worthwhile. You can make a plan to reach you goals (one that will work because it has meaning) and you can achieve those goals.

Any questions? Get in touch.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Is your diet making you infertile?
A Harvard University study has found that consumption of trans fatty acids can damage a woman's chance of conceiving a baby. A report published in The Sunday Herald Sun (January 21, 2007, p21) reads "the fats can increase the risk of fertility problems by 70 percent or more". Further studies showed that these fats were bad for pregnant women also. Trans fatty acids are found in many processed foods including doughnuts, take away foods and potato chips. These foods are generally not clearly labelled.

Do you know how much of these nasty fats are in your diet?

If you would like some assistance with your health & fitness, please contact us now.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Another tough day in the park
The much welcome rain from the previous few days must have kept a few of our expected participants away today. In any case, it was another punishing yet successful Sunday in the Park.

Thanks to Aaron and Spiros for braving the cool weather (a break from the 30 degree sessions we've had recently).

The workout looked pretty easy on paper, but as usual it tested us all thoroughly.

The workout - which is yet to be named - consisted of:

50-40-30-20-10 reps of -

  • kettlebell deadlifts
  • prone ring pull-ups
  • tuck jumps

The results:

  • Aaron - 28:00 (16kg KB)
  • Adam - 25:41 (16kg KB)
  • Spiros - 31:00 (12kg KB)


  • Aaron - "I think I need stronger muscles."
  • Adam - "I thought the tuck jumps would be the hard part."
  • Spiros - "I hate you Adam."

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Are you dehydrated right now?
Did you know that by the time you start to feel the effects of dehydration your body is already suffering the adverse results of the condition?

Here are a few tell-tale signs of dehydration:

  • dark coloured urine
  • thirst
  • dry lips and mouth
  • flushed skin
  • fatigue
  • headaches

So, are you dehydrated?

Avoiding dehydration can be very simple. Here are some tips:

  • Get into the habit of drinking water throughout the day
  • Carry a water bottle with you if possible
  • Aim to drink 3 litres of water each day
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Reduce alcohol intake
CrossFit Victoria clothing arrives Monday
Our first batch of CrossFit Victoria t-shirts, hoodies and sweat towels will be arriving on Monday.

T-shirts are $30, are available in grey marle, in many sizes.
Hoodies are $45, are available in grey marle and navy blue, in medium only.
Sweat towels are $12, are white and measure 60x45cm.

Please contact us to place an order.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Kettlebells will arrive in February
We will be receiving a shipment of kettlebells in early February and are now taking advance orders.

We are dropping a minimum of 10% off the recommended retail prices you see below. If you purchase multiple items we will give you a further discount.

Please contact us to place an order or for more information.

Here are the recommended retail prices:

  • 4kg - $100
  • 8kg - $140
  • 12kg - $160
  • 16kg - $180
  • 20kg - $200
  • 24kg - $220
  • 28kg - $240
  • 32kg - $260
  • 40kg - $280
  • 48kg - $290
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
New Years specials extended until Friday 19/01
If you want to grab a great deal for either group training or personal training, you'd best hurry up!

Our New Year's deals will finish on Friday, January 19.

More info.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Getting fit is about more than just visiting the gym
If you are taking a narrow view of your health & fitness by focusing solely on one aspect, then you're missing the point. Think about it, if you exercise hard but eat poorly then you are taking one step forward and one step back.

To make progress and effect a positive change in your health & fitness you have to take a general and holistic approach.

If you've read 'The hierarchy of health & fitness' then you're already well aware that sleep, nutrition and exercise all play an integral part in improving and maintaining health & fitness. Beyond this there is much more that you can do, here are some ideas:

  • Don't smoke
  • Drink alcohol in moderation
  • Wear a seatbelt
  • Turn off the TV
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Meditate

If you put your mind to it, you will certainly come up with many more simple ways that you can improve your health & fitness and therefore the quality of your life.

Please contact us if you want some professional advice and training.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Angie - I still love you.
Sunday training in the park today introduced the crew to Angie. She's a deceptively tough workout of 100 pull-ups, 100 pushups, 100 situps & 100 squats performed against the clock.

Today we started with a solid warm-up and prgoressed into theory and correct practice of squats and kipping pull-ups. A few of our group even pulled off the kipping pull-ups in the workout.

Here are the results:

Mat 25:36
Joely 27:15
Aaron 28:26 (a very technical display)
Damo 28:27
Sara 29:52
Alli 29:58

Everyone completed the workout in under 30 minutes. Next time we attempt Angie there will be a greater emphasis on technique and less jumping pull-ups. That said, it was a marvellous effort by all.

A big thanks to Aaron for his muscle-up demo which will feature in the March issue of Blitz martial arts magazine.

And thanks to Peter for dropping by to check out the workout.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Are you struggling to tone up?
Most people get extremely disappointed when they've been putting in the hard yards at the gym and aren't seeing the result reflected in their physique. Often, this is due to a lack of understanding regarding correct nutrition. Put simply, if your nutritional practices are sub-par, increasing your activity levels won't make a marked difference.

One trap that often occurs is the continuation of habitual eating that is not as healthy as it might be (and sometimes is actually very unhealthy). To continue following bad dietary practices is sheer folly. All of your fitness training efforts will be eroded by your bad diet.

There is no doubt that making significant changes to your diet can be difficult. These difficulties can be overcome by simply applying yourself. You do it in the gym, so why not outside it?

Read our e-book "The hierarchy of health & fitness" to learn more about the importance of diet, exercise (and sleep).

Subscribe to our newsletter for regular health & fitness tips and special offers.

They're both free, so what's stopping you?
Sunday in the park - the agenda
Righty-o. This Sunday we're looking for a big turnout. If you are interested, please register now. Your first session in free. This week marks the end of our New Year's special offers, so get down, try it out and get yourself a great deal too.

The workout will be "Angie":

  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 100 Push-ups
  • 100 Sit-ups
  • 100 Squats

For time of course.

We will also be covering the correct technique for squats, jumping pull-ups and kipping pull-ups.

We hope to see you there.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Are you wasting your time in the gym?
Working on your physical fitness takes time. Put simply, in order to achieve results you have to allocate time to your training. What if you could spend the same amount of time in the gym and get stronger, more powerful, more co-ordinated and improve your abilities to function at work, home and at play?

Have you ever heard of compound exercises?

These are the kind of movements that require the activation and usage of multiple muscle groups at one time. An example would be a squat. The polar opposite of compound movements are isolation movements. As the name suggests these movements utilise only one muscle group. An example is the bicep curl.

Compound movements mimic natural movements such as lifting, climbing and throwing and benefit you by developing functional strength and fitness - that is, fitness that can be applied to your day-to-day life.

On the other hand, isolation movements do little to develop any kind of functional fitness. Instead they develop muscular definition and asthetics. These are favourites of bodybuilders as they develop very specific muscle shape.

For most of us isolation exercises are a waste of time. You can exercise the muscles that are targeted in isolation movements in a huge array of compound exercises. At the same time you are performing a natural movement and learning about the way your body works and moves given different challenges. Practicing bicep curls and tricep extensions all day will not make you a better climber, lifter, runner, rower or fighter. And they won't benefit you at work either.

Take a look at your workout. Is it filled with isolation exercises? Can you recognise the compound exercises in your workout? If it's looking like a standard bodybuilder workout - and you're not a bodybuilder - then it's time to get yourself a new program.

Here are a few exercises that we recommend should be incorporated into everyone's fitness routine:

  • squats
  • deadlifts
  • presses
  • pull-ups
  • cleans
  • kettlebell swings

If you need some individual advice, we would be happy to help you. Please take a look at our personal training services.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Do your kids know more about fitness than you do?
The Australian newspaper today published a report detailing findings from a study into the recent health & fitness education campaigns run by the federal government.

The report - Kids on top of wholesome life - revealed "Before the advertisements, 24% of parents and 16% of children were aware they should consume five serves of vegetables each day. After the advertising campaign, adult awareness had increased to 32% while 33% of children knew the recommended intake."

Whilst the figures have increased after the campaign, it is ridiculous that Australians still know so little about a healthy diet. With obesity as high as 6 in 10 adults, it's time we all did more to stop the rapid decline in our health and fitness.

If you want to get healthier and fitter, we can help. Contact us to discuss your goals.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
While you were sleeping
We were out in the park at 8:45am this morning for our first group training session of the year. Thank you to our regular participants: Mat, Alli and Aaron. And a big welcome to Spiros.

As previously posted the workout was "Helen", three rounds of:

  • 400 meter run (approx.)
  • Kettlebell swing, 21 reps
  • Pull-ups, 12 reps

Everyone put in a cracking effort (as we've come to expect). Here are the results:
  • Adam 11:29
  • Aaron 12:21
  • Mat 13:11
  • Alli 14:35
  • Spiros 14:46

See you next week.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Have you been the victim of false advertising?
CBS news (USA) has just reported that four organisations pandering weight-loss pills have been fined a total of US$25 for false advertising.

Have you fallen victim to the false promises of diet pill producers? Is there a bottle of half used pills hiding in your bathroom cupboard? If so, you would not be the only one who has been duped. Hopefully, it will not be too long before the Australian authorities crack down on what can best be described as lies, lies, lies.

The truth of the matter is that dedication and diligent attention to your health & fitness is required not magic pills and potions.

If you need some assistance in with regard to your own health & fitness, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss your goals.

As FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said of the products, "Paying for fad science is a good way to lose cash, not pounds."

Read the full article here.
What do you want?
We've been writing a lot about New Year's resolutions, setting goals, making plans and sticking it out. We've been providing you with what we believe to be the best advice possible about health & fitness. Now, we'd like to know what you want.

Which health & fitness topics and issues do you want to know more about?

What would you like to see covered, discussed and dissected on this site?

Are there any services and products that you think are missing from the industry as a whole?

The floor is open. Post your ideas to comments. Thank you.
Friday, January 05, 2007
The first CrossFit class for '07
That's right ladies and gentlemen, the pain - and the gain - starts again this Sunday. We've already got a few new faces registered to attend and hope to see more. What's stopping you from trying the most intense, functional and rewarding fitness training system around? Get yourself down to HA Smith Reserve and start your year off with a good, hard workout.

We will be performing one of the benchmark workouts. It's Helen! We will be completing three rounds of the below against the clock:

  • 400 meter run
  • Kettlebell swing, 21 reps
  • Pull-ups, 12 reps

More event info here.
New Year specials here.
Register here.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Will you be an achiever this year?
It's one thing to make New Year's resolutions, but it's another thing to make a plan and follow it through. Is this year going to be the year that you achieve your goals or another one where life just gets in the way?

If you find it tough to get to the gym to workout, then why not join in one of our CrossFit group classes? They are fun, challenging and will give you a workout like you've never experienced.

The group sessions start this Sunday, January 7. For more info see our classes page and don't forget to check out our current specials.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Are you missing out on developing real strength and power?
For many years the Russian sporting elite have utilised the simple yet effective kettlebell to build unparalleled strength, power and toughness. The Russian military and martial arts fighters know the benefits of this type of training and have shown time and again how it develops physical capabilities like no other training device.

If you're a martial artist or are interested in the martial arts then you have probably recognised the man in the picture. It's Fedor Emelianenko, current heavyweight champion of Pride FC. He is a user of kettlebells (as the image suggests) and one of the strongest and most dominating mixed martial artists in the world.

Kettlebell use is now found in the USA, Europe and Australia as fitness coaches begin to realise the full potential of this training tool.

At CrossFit Victoria, we utilise kettlebells in many of our workouts. If you join us in the park at our group workouts you can try them for yourself.