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There are ten recognised general physical skills. They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, speed, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.

You are as fit as you are competent in each of these ten skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these ten skills.
Importantly, improvements in endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility come about through training.


The essence of this model is the view that fitness is about performing well at any and every task imaginable. This model suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at these tasks in relation to other individuals.

The implication here is that fitness requires an ability to perform well at all tasks, even unfamiliar tasks, tasks combined in infinitely varying combinations. In practice this encourages the athlete to disinvest in any set notions of sets, rest periods, reps, exercises, order of exercises, routines, periodization, etc.


There are three metabolic pathways that provide the energy for all human action.

Total fitness, the fitness that CrossFit promotes and develops, requires competency and training in each of these three pathways or engines.

Balancing the effects of these three pathways largely determines the how and why of the metabolic conditioning or “cardio” that we do at CrossFit.

Favoring one or two to the exclusion of the others and not recognising the impact of excessive training in the oxidative pathway are arguably the two most common faults in fitness training.


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Tips, news & views

Monday, September 25, 2006
Try CrossFit for yourself
This Sunday (October 1st) will see CrossFit Victoria hold its first Sunday in the Park. If you want to experience CrossFit training for yourself, then come down and join us at H.A. Smith Reserve in Hawthorn (just off Glenferrie Road) at 9am. Please contact us - 1300 13 41 10 - first to tell us that you're coming along. We want to be sure to bring enough supplies.

Hope to see you there!!

Cheers, Adam.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Sounds too good to be true? It probably is.
Have you ever been sucked in by one of those infomercials claiming to have to answer to everything from dry skin to the meaning of life? Don't they just drive you mad?

Check out this short article on how to spot a dodgy ad...

The truth is out there, just use your head!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Subscribe for health & fitness info
I have just put together a subscription list so that I can deliver health & fitness informaton to interested peoples. If this is something for you then please click the below link!

Sign up for our Email Newsletter

Take care one and all, Adam.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Food diaries are worthwhile
Do you remember what you ate for breakfast today? How about yesterday? Last week?

How many chocolate bars have you consumed in the last month? Do you drink too much coffee?

These are some questions that are fairly difficult to answer through simple recall. This is where the food diary comes in. And no, it's not something that benefits only those who are trying to drop a few kilos. It is important for anyone interested in obtaining (or maintaining) elite health & fitness to know what they are eating.

It is even more important to know the effects food has on you throughout the day. Do you sometimes feel low on energy, bloated, have a rumbling stomach? Ever wondered what caused it? Maybe it's a particular food. By recording what you eat and how you feel throughout the day, you may be able to recognise which foods don't agree with you. Then you can take measures to fix the problem.

Keeping a food diary has many other benefits:
- it indicates dietary habits that you may not even know exists (like the regular 7am coffee)
- it shows just how much junk can creep into your diet (Krispy Kreme donuts anyone?)
- it shows if you are eating too much or too little
- it shows if you are leaving too much time between meals

So, what's stopping you from keeping a food diary? Try it for a week or two and see if you don't learn something new about yourself.
Go hard, then go home!
I am often astounded by how long people will spend working out in a gym. They spend so much time talking and wandering around and stopping for a break that sessions often drag on for over an hour. In this time, some people don't even raise a sweat.

Now whilst I am not for a single minute suggesting that gyms aren't a nice place to be, surely there is somewhere else people have to get, home, the pub?

In the true pattern of keeping things simple, I propose that the vast majority of workouts should be short and sharp. Ramp up the intensity. Do the same exercise but do them against the running clock. In the most simple terms: go hard, then go home.