Archive for February, 2010

Another AMRAP · 28 February 2010

AMRAP in 20 Row 500m 21 Situps 15 Ring Dips

Rest · 27 February 2010

Muscle up technique

Kelly (mod.) · 26 February 2010

Three rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 30 Box jump, 24 inch box 30 Wall ball shots, 9kg ball Yes. This is a shorter than normal version of Kelly. Why? We want you to work harder for a shorter period of time.

Back Squat · 25 February 2010

3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 3x max Plank Hold Strict Pullup

Team Farmer’s Walks · 24 February 2010

In teams of two, complete 20 x 100m (2x 50m shuttle) Farmer’s Walks. While one team member is racing the other recovers, team members must alternate. Each team member will complete 10 lengths. The first team to 20 wins.

Rest · 23 February 2010

Burgener Warmup Work on Snatch Technique

Burpees, pullups, gasser · 22 February 2010

3 Rounds for time 25 Burpees 10 Pullups Gasser