Archive for March, 2011

Brena · 24 March 2011

AMRAP in 12 minutes: Run, 400m Push-ups, max. reps. Score is the total number of push-ups completed.

Deadlift triples · 23 March 2011

Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 3, 3. Cash-out 3 rounds (for time): Walking lunges, 20m Ring dips, 15

Rest Day · 22 March 2011

Mobility: Pelvis (understanding of position, ant/post) Shoulder (dislocates, overhead position) Skill: Power snatch Sumo deadlift high-pull Work: Catch up on a WOD from the past 7 days, or Five rounds: Sumo deadlift high-pull, 30kg/20kg, 10 Push-ups, 20

Press triples · 21 March 2011

Press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3. Cash-out 2000m row (for time)

All those burpees · 20 March 2011

100 burpees. Sprint 50m after every 10 burpees. Record total elapsed time.

Diana · 19 March 2011

Five rounds: 9 deadlifts, 100kg/80kg 9 handstand push-ups Rest 60 seconds between round. Time each round. Level 0: 60kg/40kg Level 1: 80kg/60kg Level 2+: Rx’d

Rest Day · 18 March 2011

Mobility: Shoulder (rotator cuff) Scapulae Skill: Power clean Work: Catch up on a WOD from the past 7 days, or 400m farmer’s walk, 2x24kg/2x16kg (three efforts, rest as required.)