DL & press

28 Oct 2010

Level 0-1 (constant weight)
Deadlift 3×5
Press 3×5

Level 2+ (Wendler 5-3-1)
Deadlift 5, 3, Max
Press 5, 3, Max

4 Responses to “DL & press”

  1. Good lifting this morning.

    Remember to focus on scapula position.


  2. 12:30 crew was on fire today. Well done. Here are the numbers.

  3. adam gibson says:

    maggie! big DL PB! well done

  4. Anthony Smith says:



    Gav – 2, 157.5 x 5, 60
    Gus – 2, 157.5 x 5, 60
    Dave C – 1, 110, 40
    Bron – 0, 50, 20
    Claire – 0, 75, 25
    Trish – 0, 60, 25


    Brett R – 1, 120, 60
    Julie B – 0, 60, 20
    Sal – 2, 187.5 X 3, 72.5 x 3
    Jimmy – 1, 110, 50
    Adam G – 1, 110, 60
    Tom – 1, 110, 60
    Dani – 0 Tech
    Gina – 0, Tech