Deadlifts and burpees

24 Jun 2009

From CrossFit Brisbane:

For time, perform an inverted ladder with the following two movements.

  • 10-1 reps of Burpees
  • 1-10 reps of Deadlift, 100kg (70kg)

ie, 1st round is 10 burpees + 1 deadlift, 2nd round is 9 burpees + 2 deadlifts etc, last round is 1 burpee + 10 deadlifts

*If your Deadlift 1RM is greater than 155kg scale up the load to 125kg

3 Responses to “Deadlifts and burpees”

  1. Ben Liuzzi says:

    scaled: DL first 2 rounds @ 60kg (10-9reps), then 70kg(8-7reps),80kg(6-5reps),90kg(4-3reps) and 100kg(2-1rep)
    Didn’t race through this, in fact the clock was pretty much pointless. Focused on getting the form right. High rep deadlifts are something I don’t want to mess around with at all. Did all lifts without mixed grip. Form felt good, but got tired towards the end…yesterday took it out of me! Cheers!

  2. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Also just realised I did it in reverse order…whoops!

  3. domain names says:

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