
CrossFit training – done properly – is all but unparalleled in producing rapid, positive results to your fitness and wellbeing.

We honestly hope that you enjoy training CrossFit as much as we enjoy coaching it.

Before you get started there are a few things that you should know. This page is designed to help you find the right CrossFit gym for you.

Are you new to CrossFit?

If you’re new to this whole CrossFit thing, then please read our “What is CrossFit?” page. It will explain what CrossFit is all about and give you an idea of whether CrossFit is for you. The truth is CrossFit doesn’t appeal to everyone. And that’s cool, because it means that those who choose to train with us are motivated and interested, and contribute to a growing fitness community.

Hard work

Honestly, it is hard work!

Not all CrossFit gyms are the same

The important thing to understand about CrossFit is that it is a fitness training model and also a brand. Gyms around the world pay a licensing fee to use the CrossFit name. Unfortunately, not all CrossFit gyms provide the same standard of coaching. If you are looking to join a CrossFit gym it’s important to understand that not all CrossFit gyms are the same. We are affiliates under the same brand but we each operate our gyms differently.

We strongly urge you to find a CrossFit gym that fits with you. Most importantly though you should look for some minimum standards.

Have some fun!

It’s great fun too.

What to look for in a CrossFit gym

As a minimum a good CrossFit gym will:

  • Write a training program for its own members (i.e. not follow the crossfit.com program)
  • Provide a beginners’ course that teaches the basics and allows a progression into general classes
  • Understand the importance of mobility training
  • Have a means of measuring your constant improvements
  • Provide a safe, encouraging environment in which to train

About CrossFit Victoria

We’ve been affiliated with CrossFit since 2006. In fact, we were the first gym to affiliate in Victoria, the third in Australia and one of the first 100 worldwide. Not bad considering there are over 7,500 CrossFit gyms now.

If you want to dig deeper, here’s some more info about us.

Ready to learn more?

If you want to check out a class or get started then please leave your details below and we will be in touch as soon as humanly possible.

Today's workout

To give you an idea of how we train, here's what we're up to in the gym today...

Technique Workshop

Double unders

It’s a fair assumption there will be double unders in the CrossFit Games Open, if you struggle with yours get into todays workshop classes at 6am, 12:30pm and 5:30pm.


Olympic Lifting Class at 6:30pm is on High Hang Snatch


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Please check out our previous workouts to get a more complete picture of our training program.