3 WOD’s

Wed, 19 Jan 2011

3 sets:

- 20 squats, rest 20 sec
- 20 knees to elbows, rest 20 sec

Rest 2 minutes

3 sets:

- 10 strict pull-ups, rest 20 sec
- 10 HSPU, rest 20 sec

Rest 2 minutes

3 sets:

- 40m bear crawl, 20 sec rest
- 40m broad jumps, 20 sec rest

4 Responses to “3 WOD’s”

  1. Andrew Lucas says:

    CFV can we get the 6am results up please?

  2. Ben Collins says:

    12.30 class

    Name – wod 1,wod 2, wod 3,total
    Fleur 9.08, 6.30, 7.57. total 23.35
    Josh 7.40, 13.07, 7.51. total 28.38
    Rocky 8.19, 6.59, 10.00. total 25.18

    Small class today but what we lacked in numbers we made up for in intensity and pure determination. You guys did really well pushing through what proved to be a very tough workout. Inspiring efforts!

  3. Anthony Smith says:

    Results from yesterday… hope it works!!
    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18507755/Photo Jan 20, 10 52 06.jpg

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18507755/Photo Jan 20, 10 52 34.jpg

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18507755/Photo Jan 20, 10 54 06.jpg

  4. Anthony Smith says:

    Live links form above


