Deads and sandbags

24 Jul 2010

Level 0/1:
Deadlift: 5, 5, max. (Lev 0-1)

Level 2+:
Snatch grip deadlift: 5, 5, max. (Lev 2+)

“Sandbag relay”
Teams of 2-4 – fastest 400m time wins. 
Teams can use any setup they want.
The sandbag must travel 400m without touching the ground.
5 burpee penalty for each time the sandbag hits the ground.
Each team member completes the penalty at the end of the 400m circuit.

One Response to “Deads and sandbags”

  1. Anthony Smith says:

    Gav – 120,135,155 x 11
    Jarrod – 80,90,100 x 3
    Sarah – 45,52.5,57.35 x 8
    Vanessa – 57.5,67.5,75 x 8
    Kaaren – 52.5,60,67.5 x 5
    Vebica – 55,60,67.5 x 7
    George – 100,115,130 x 2
    Georgia – 45,52.5,57.5 x 4
    Hugo – 1RM = 135
    Zoya – 1RM = 82.5

    Congratulations to Gav, Georgia and Vebica for winning the Sandbag Relay
    Welcome Zoya to her first class
    Thank-you to the whole class for indulging me in my musical flashback to the 80′s….. Human League… could synth music get any better!!!!