Back squat 3, 3, max.

Mon, 21 Jun 2010

Back Squat 3@70%, 3@80%, max@90%

3 rounds of max rep:

  • Push-ups
  • Knees to elbows

Complete both movements then rest for 60 seconds between rounds


11 Responses to “Back squat 3, 3, max.”

  1. A foggy morning to start the week.

    Jon C 85, 100, 14@110

    Jon D 75, 85, 6@95

    Andy L 75, 85, 8@95

    George 85, 97.5, 8@110

    Kaaren 45, 52.5, [email protected]

    Vanessa 38, 45, 5@50

    Tim W 60, 70, [email protected]

    Matt B 75, 85, 12@95

    Ian N 70, 80, 10@90

    Kevin 60, 65, 2@70

    Welcome to Ian!

    Great lifting today.

    Solid technique, clear focus.

    Please post your push-up, k2e numbers.

  2. JD says:

    Push-up: 21, 14, 10
    KTE: 5, 3, 4

  3. Jon Chadwick says:

    Jon – 30,7; 15,5; 10,5
    Some were stomach to ground instead of chest to ground. Yes, I need to get in to the gym more often.

  4. Lay off the Molson Ice, Jon!

  5. Matthew Ballard says:

    PU 40, KTE 15
    PU 15, KTE 7
    PU 10, KTE 8

  6. Anthony 72.5, 82.5, [email protected]
    Adam 70, 80, 6@90

  7. Anthony Smith says:


    Gayle – Found 1RM = 32.5 P/ups 9,10,11 (from knees; KTE 6/10/10
    Maggie – 50,57.5 8@65; P/u 22,13,21; KTE 12,13,11
    Nat – Found 1RM 45; KTE 6,8,4
    Soula – 62.5,70,13@80; P/u 30,22,14; KTE 18,14,9
    Lino – Found 1RM = 85; P/u 29,23,16; KTE 5,3,2
    Reece – 50,55,[email protected]

  8. George Iacono says:

    Push ups/K2E: 32/11, 16/9, 12/10

  9. Reece Nugent says:

    PU: 41,26,15 KTE 15,15,10

  10. Kaaren Binns says:

    PU/TTB (can’t do KTE!) 12/2, 8/4, 8/3

  11. Scott Waugh says:


    Joe Y 85 95 105×2 42/15
    Thihan 60×5 70×5 80×4 30/15
    Joe 70 80 96 30/20
    Cindy 40 47.5 52.5×7 30/20
    Trish 40 47.5 52.5×15 30/20
    Adam G 85 95 105×3 30/12
    Matt R 60 70 80×5 17/7
    Chloe 1RM of 55kg
    Tim 75 80 85×2 24/18
    Bron 31.5 40 45×3
    Kasey 45 50 57.5×15
    Caitlin 45 50 57.5 12/3

    Jason D 70 80 90×1 85×2 41/13
    Tom 37/22
    David 77.5 87.5 100×7 31/8
    Nicole 42.5 50 55×3 14/6
    Amber 1RM of 50kg
    Brendan 60 67.5 75×4 25/10
    Eu Jin 70 80 90×1 85×3
    Bobby 77 80 80 28/6
    Terry 1RM of 80kg
    Sarah 1RM of 50kg
    Gavin95 107.5 122.5×6 33/5
    Jason 95 107.5 122.5×8 55/20