Back squat

20 Jan 2010

Back squat
3, 3, max.

5 Responses to “Back squat”

  1. Scott Waugh says:


    Beck 65, 65, 65×3
    Christian 110, 110, 110×2
    Derek 85, 85, 85×5
    Rees 80, 80, 80×5
    Simon 70, 75, 75×6
    Jon 85, 90, 90×4
    Andy 115×1, 110, 110×3
    Yen 40, 40, 40×7
    Matt 110, 110×2, 110×3
    Soula 80, 80, 80×1

    Great class today, everyone showed some great squatting technique and excellent rack safety : )

  2. A small lunchtime turnout. Anthony helped out. Christian lifted 70kg up to a 5 rep max set; Matt K lifted 40-50kg practicing technique.

  3. rees says:

    one can never underestimate the importance of rack safety!

  4. Zane Hoare says:

    test < br/>

  5. Zane Hoare says:

    Decided to do it a little differently tonight. Went for 3RM
    Craig 85 – Need to be deeper
    Joe 85×2 (PB)
    Tom 80
    George 112.5 (PB)
    Wei 70X2 (PB – First night. Well Done!!)
    Zoe 40 (Technique)
    Jared 90X3, 110X1 (PB)
    Keith 70X3 (PB), 75X1 (PB)
    Edgar 70X3,80X2 (PB)
    Great Class tonight. Really pushed themselves. Great job!!