
20 Nov 2009

Thruster 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Half Gasser ladder

One half gasser on the minute every minute for 10 minutes or until failure

4 Responses to “Thrusters”

  1. The half gasser is a 2x50m sprint.

  2. 6am

    Thruster 3RM


    Yen 27.5kg

    Alison 40kg

    Leila 35kg

    Al 67.5kg

    Roland technique practice

    Gil 55kg

    Keith 40kg

    Andy L 70kg

    Jono 50kg

    Derek 55kg

    Christian P 65kg

    Nadeeka 27.5kg

    Some decent efforts today.

    Remember that the thruster requires powerful hip extension. It is not a slow movement.

  3. Andrew Lucas says:

    and they make your upper leg ache!

  4. Alex Richardson says:

    Thruster 3RM

    Tom 57.5

    Rob 60 (PP)

    Jess 40

    Brendan 45

    Oliver Technique with bar and 30kg

    Steve T 50

    Andy 55

    Raining outside so did a team row, 2000m. Each member did 5 x 200m with the rest as the other member rowing

    Oliver/Steve – 7.52

    Tom/Brendan – 7.26

    Jess/Adrian – 8.52

    Rob 363 DU in 9 min