Clean and Jerk

23 Oct 2009

Clean & Jerk x 30 @ Bodyweight

7 Responses to “Clean and Jerk”

  1. Andrew McConnell says:

    Right….. Hey Ace, how many of your 3-5 5min rounds involve you curling the whole time??
    Can we get a vid of say…. Matt Hughes working out?

  2. Andrew, whilst Rich’s workout is not CF I’d suggest that most mere mortals would struggle to complete it. He’s one fit mofo (and he could crush us all too).

  3. 6am

    Alison 2:45 (38% bwt)

    Yen 6:10 (20% bwt)

    Matt 4:45 (50kg, 58%)

    Andy 6:08 (60kg, 66%)

    Oli 3:54 (30kg, 50%)

    Jon C 10:00* (70kg, 75%)

    Jon D 6:08 (45kg, ..%)

    Rees 4:17 (45kg, 62.5%)

    Cam 6:33 (45kg, 61%)

    * we had a bar malfunction on JC’s last rep. Dammit! Hard to tell his exact time but very close to 10:00.

    Great effort by all, the ladies hadn’t C&J’d before and the lads pushed themselves.

  4. Andrew Lucas says:

    quick everyone – Jon C is off for 6 weeks. Let’s just do massive weights for the whole time so we can catch him up!!

  5. Adrian McGough says:

    5:40 (36.5k, 48.66%)

  6. Scott says:

    Myles – 40kg 6:03
    Heidi – 24.5kg 4:57
    Christian – 34kg 6:10
    Adrian – 36.5kg 5:40

    Angus – 70kg 11:03 (91 %BW)
    Andrew Mc – 60kg 6:24(60 %BW)
    Ben – 40kg – 7:29 (51 %BW)
    Eujin – 50kg 11:40 (75 %BW)
    Tim W – 60kg 10:35 (81 %BW)