Work those shoulders!

Fri, 18 Sep 2009

3 Rounds

1 Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk

Pick a weight. Press it once, Push press it twice, Push Jerk it three times, all without letting the bar touch the ground. If you have to drop the bar in any round, run a 400m as a penalty.

10 Responses to “Work those shoulders!”

  1. Keith McNeill says:

    Coffee + toast and butter!

  2. Alex says:

    4 eggs and an apple with some walnuts and a coffee

  3. Matthew Ballard says:

    Rolled oats, dash of milk. Protein shake (withH20). Coffee inc.

  4. Craig Davis says:

    protein shake, coffee and coffee scroll…. Its Friday!!

  5. Lok Eu Jin says:

    Protein shake, coffe, egg+bacaon muffin, coffe….again.

  6. ace says:

    two poached eggs, bacon, avo, mushys, spinich and one of my homemade museli bars.

  7. Aaron Wilson says:

    3eggs/banana/almonds(alot)/berries/milk/water (shake)

  8. Angus Rickard says:

    Goat’s Milk, 1 egg, protein, 1/2 banana, 1/2 pear, oats, flaxseed oil, fish oil, cinnamon, nutmeg all mixed together into a smoothy. 5 blocks w/ 5x FAT tastes awesome.

  9. Scrambled eggs (3 eggs, splash of milk, 1/2 onion, 1/2 tomato), freshly squeezed orange and lime juice. And a coffee about 2 hours later.

  10. Derek Stewart says:

    4 weetbix with goats milk, 2 pieces of toast with vegemite and a banana. Completely anti-paleo but it’s my PWO meal and I don’t have much time in the morning, I try to make up for it by eating paleo the rest of the day. Also, I should get some bonus point for waking up at 5:30am regularly without any coffee.