OH Squats and Box Jumps

20 Jun 2009

For Time

3 Rounds

  • 10 O/H Squats (M – 50kg, F – 30kg)
  • 20 Box Jumps (60cm Box)

2 Responses to “OH Squats and Box Jumps”

  1. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Scaled: 40kg OHS, box jumps to bench + 20kg and 15kg plates (~55cm)
    Not the smoothest workout. First round of OHS was woeful…grip too narrow and I was wobbling all over the place. Ate sh!t on my first jump as well. Second round was better but grip too wide. Third round felt great. A little annoyed, but still pushed hard.
    Scaled: 20kg OHS and box jumps to bench + 20kg and 15kg plates (~55cm)
    Took care with the OHS and focused on quality reps, so time suffered, but form was good. Jumps getting faster but obviously fatigue slowed me down. Definitely need to work on my jump technique as stance is very narrow and my knees knock.
    *We both messed around with some gymnastics afterwards inc. handstands, planches, front level and L-sit from paralettes.

  2. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Also note-worthy is that I have dropped 3kgs in as many days since starting our ‘intense month’. Not surprising given the first day was complete fast (water only) and then days 2/3 fruit only. Feel good, and from today meals to be ‘clean’ and smaller portions…so far so good.