Bodyweight Deadlifts

Wed, 1 Apr 2009

For time:

  • 100 BW Deadlifts
  • Sprint 400m

5 Responses to “Bodyweight Deadlifts”

  1. As you can see Jackie puts a grimace on my face.

  2. Graeme - CFX says:

    It looks more like you just let one rip to me!!

  3. Michael Ashcroft says:

    Dude, nice rowing form.
    That’s a photo to be proud of :)

  4. Graeme, we’ll have to discuss this on the weekend. I can demo the difference between Jackie and letting one rip.
    Mike, thank you for the kind comments. Your advice is gold.

  5. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Scaled: 60kg DL
    Run on treadmill @2%. Weight was just right. Split into 20,15,15 then 5 sets of 10.
    Hanna K:
    Scaled: 20kg DL (been away from gym for a couple of weeks)
    Run as above. Two sets of 50reps, pretty light, but better to regain some confidence and conditioning before pushing the load up.