Never-ending thrusters

20 Mar 2009

100 Thrusters for time

40kg men
25kg Women

6 Responses to “Never-ending thrusters”

  1. Be sure to stay on your heels for this WOD.
    DO NOT let your knees take too much load!

  2. Mike says:

    Its such a deep burn!
    Nice Zane. Classic facial expression.

  3. Jess C says:

    I like the sound of this one!
    Plus I can do it @ home – NO EXCUSES!
    Injury means i’ll have to take a raincheck & try it in a week or two.
    Are those gymnastics straps (don’t know what they’re really called?) that Zane has on in the photo effective for pull ups? What are the pros & cons?

  4. Craig Presti says:

    Jess, I have the straps and after they’ve had a bit of a softening up they are quite good.
    However, I still think you need to chalk as the straps only cover 2 fingers and as I learned during GI Jane (100 burpie pullups) the callouses that aren’t covered can quite easily open up.

  5. Ben Liuzzi says:

    ok I have checked it 3x, it does say 100 Thrusters :) damn! Off I go…

  6. Ben Liuzzi says:

    14:51 as rx’d
    Very tough, but happy I made it and didn’t scale. My midline stability when locking out overhead needs a little work, especially when knackered.
    Would have been nice to have a workout partner to help push me along. At least next time I’ll have a time to beat!!